Harmonization, joy of living and balance: a health advantage for your horse!


Like human beings, animals, especially horses, are also subject to the same kinds of suffering that we: physical, emotional, mental.

As in humans, behavioral problems and most diseases (digestive problems, ulcers, tics, behavioral disorders, loss of form, etc..) Are related to stress and emotions.


Pierre Durand, the French Olympic champion with his horse Jappeloup, told at a conference in Brussels in May 2013: "Six out of ten horses have stomach ulcers."

The anxieties of the horse are real and caused by multiple factors; the surrounding agitation, transport, competition, training, conditions unpleasant life .... These events are triggers for stress against which the horse is struggling to fight, not to mention the stress of a horse is also associated with the anguish of his rider.


What is stress?


Dr. Marc Vandenheede, specializing in veterinary and animal ethics ethology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Liege (Belgium), defines stress as a combination of biological and psychological disturbances caused by any aggression on the body of animal.

Mean stress, discomfort, fear, disease, thirst, hunger, anger, pain, competition, frustration ... short, a set of physical and mental suffering.

To release accumulated stress, nothing like a energy healing session!





The healing energy is a natural and holistic energy therapy. It is considered as a complementary approach to traditional medicine because it treats the person and / or animal as a whole, namely, the physical body, emotions and spirit. The many benefits of this approach make it an ideal holistic therapy for animals because it is gentle, painless, natural, non-invasive, real anti-stress and easy application.


The extreme sensitivity of horses makes them particularly receptive to energy healing.

Goal of energy healing

The goal is to restore harmony and balance of the human body / animal energy system.

The body, mind and emotions are part of a complex and dynamic energy field is unique to each animal or individual. If this field is in harmony, it is the health and well-being if it is disturbed, the discomfort and disease. Through a transfer of energy, energy healing helps to rebalance the energy field and promote health.


The horse should be able to decide

It's always the horse who decides the start and progress of care, as the task can not begin suddenly, without creating a climate of trust with him. Also, it is important to respect his wishes, he expressed at the contact and then, during the course of care.


Gently placing hands on the horse, or slightly above the body, I'm just channeling vital energy that allows the horse to recover its vitality, health.

As humans, the horse maintains a high degree of control over its own healing process in order to remain an active partner in this process. Free our notions of propriety, or a priori principles, horses receive energy with a very open and clôturent themselves that we have established a link exchange, when they consider that their session has brought enough. us.




An energy healing session is particularly appropriate in the following situations;

  • Change of ownership or stable,
  • Behavioral problems, emotional,
  • Depression, emotional shock,
  • Physical problems, disease, inflammation, tumors, aging, arthritis, headaches, weak immune system, liver problem, ...
  • After an operation,
  • During a cleaning,
  • - Etc.

Indeed, a healing energy can contribute to stimulate the immune system, reduce anxiety, tension, reduce pain, calm and induce deep relaxation. That is why it is especially beneficial for all horses who suffer, those who are anxious, fearful, aggressive, hard traveling, lack of vitality for competitions, suffering from muscular problems ... but also for those who are well !


Reactions that can be observed in the horse:

  • Effect of well-being and relaxation: the horse starts to fall asleep, head and jaw relax
  • The ears are turning halfway back to listen to what is happening in the body - a sign of attention and acceptance of energy healing
  • The head rises / stands and the horse seems to look throughout his body-sides
  • The horse sways from side to side
  • The tail up and stretches
  • The horse stretches his neck and back
  • He extends the previous one or two
  • He licks and chews
  • Deep sighs
  • Changes in the temperature of the body at different locations
  • Respiratory rate that increases or decreases
  • Yawning
  • The back relaxes ...


What the horse may feel during the session:

  • Fatigue, great relaxation
  • Tingling, twitching of the skin on one part of the body or across the body
  • Heaviness of one or more members
  • Heat in a portion of the body or the whole body through
  • Tremors
  • Changes in temperature
  • Change in the respiratory rate
  • Can express may other emotions ...


The healing energy promotes a process of revitalization, relaxation and emotional release at a deep level, which helps the body to adapt and heal itself at its own pace and in its own way.

This may mean that the result of an energy healing session can be beneficial in an unexpected way and not necessarily at once: for example you can observe a few days later, a sudden improvement in your horse or contrary to progressive a certain period of time.

The process is sometimes obvious, sometimes more subtle.


Note: the healing energy is a complementary approach to veterinary care but does not replace them. In case of health problems for your horse, it is of course highly recommended to consult your veterinarian first.


Anne Thiebauld certified energy healer from The Healing Trust, UK.


65 eur per session.
Please provide a quiet place for your horse during the treatment.
Questions / information? Do not hesitate to contact me.


Animal communication

Have you ever thought of your animals as healer or guide? What will they teach you if you open up your mind to them?

Personalised Coaching

Individual support according to your needs to help you regain confidence in you and in your horse.

Equine Reliance Academy

Monthly and thematic trainings in equine Reliance. More info soon on the site.


Cadences asbl

Siège social / Headquarters

Rue Saiwere, 4

1457 Walhain

Belgique / Belgium

BE - 0870.959.832


Contact: Anne Thiebauld


+32 479 63 92 49