Intrigued by the animal world

I was ten years old the first time I rode a horse.

Already at that stage, the idea of being in charge and dominating an animal didn’t sit well with me; the communications philosophy which existed at that time stamped out all attempts to create a 2 way communications flow between the rider and the horse.

This way of connecting with horses didn’t make sense to me. I tried to challenge the approach at the time, but without success.

With numerous fears setting in, ranging from a fear of falling, to a fear of not being able to understand or control horses I was riding, I decided to leave the equestrian world. I wasn’t comfortable in an environment which showed no regard for feelings or messages originating from the horse, or from the rider for that matter.



The circuitous route of life

Communication and interpersonal relationships remained a constant theme during my studies….

- Translation Degree in Modern Languages

- A degree in Communication Science (Louvain University)

- A Master in European Affairs (Universities of Louvain and Barcelona)

….as well as during my career where communication was central to the roles I worked in;


- Press Attachée, Présidence du Conseil de la région bruxelloise

- Communications Responsible, Fnac (Liège)

- Event Manager, European Centre for Public Affairs

- Coordinator for Web Content, European Commission (DG Information Society)


But my strong feelings about horses and a need to connect with them never left me.


Bonding with horses

Finally, at the age of 25, I decided to get back up on the saddle, driven by this need to establish a genuine connection as well as a positive relationship with horses, even if on the face of it, humans and horses seem very different (e.g. personality, temperament, behaviour). It was during my first horse treks in Europe and in Africa that I took on the role of public relations officer for The Belgian Breeding Association for Sport Horses (Studbook sBs).


The gift keeps on giving

“The most potent gifts of existence, quite often arrive on the backs of black horses” Linda Kohanov ( in her book The Tao of Equus).

My vocation was realised and confirmed at the age 36 with the arrival of Santo – my horse; the inter-relationship and bond that developed between us – one a two legged being and the other a four legged being - opened a new chapter in my life. With a new thirst, I made it my business to learn more through training and experience;

• Animal Communication ( Amelia Kinkade-US)

• Zootherapy (Institut de Zoothérapie du Québec)

• Energy healing (Healing Trust-UK)

• Animal healing (Elizabeth Whiter-UK) & Horse healing (Margrit Coates-UK)

• Equi-coaching (Systemisch paarden coaching-NL)

• Complemented by advanced study in Personal Therapy and regular participation in Personal Development workshops.


Horses: Companions, partners and allies

Today, I mainly work with horses.


These animals have carried us and guided us since the beginning of time, and it is for this reason that they have a special place in our world.

I believe that our intertwined history, dotted with numerous victories and defeats in battle, has created its own genetic imprint, its own DNA.

Working with our most ancient and loyal companions has enabled me to go deep into the human subconscious in a very unique way.


I have dedicated myself to working with, through and for horses both for their sake and for ours as humans. My mission is to re-establish our bond and our affinity with horses for a greater common good.

Anne Thiebauld


Cadences asbl

Siège social / Headquarters

Rue Saiwere, 4

1457 Walhain

Belgique / Belgium

BE - 0870.959.832


Contact: Anne Thiebauld

+32 479 63 92 49